Mr. Jones is a Senior Fellow at the Center for the Study of the Legal Profession at the Georgetown University Law Center in Washington, D.C. He is also Principal of Legal Management Resources LLC, a consulting firm providing management and leadership resources for law firms around the world. Mr. Jones is widely recognized as an expert on the U.S. and global legal markets, having spent more than 40 years as a practicing lawyer, a law firm leader, a corporate general counsel, and a management consultant.
Mr. Jones is also a co-founder and senior faculty member for the Master's Degree in Law Firm Management at the College of Professional Studies at The George Washington University.
Mr. Jones frequently works with law firms and their leaders on issues of strategy, governance, compensation, succession planning, and risk management. As regards the latter topic, Mr. Jones currently chairs two roundtables for law firm general counsel. He is the author of numerous books and articles on legal management topics, including ancillary business, globalization, ethics, strategy, and partnership issues; and he is also a frequent speaker on these subjects.